Aren't you going to fast?


Sometimes you hear people say that you aren't making any progress. You're really working hard to do things better or to accept things but other people don't see it. Maybe you think the opposite. You think that you're going to fast. I have it a lot that I think I'm going to fast but other people say I'm not. Maybe you recognise one of the above situations. Well, I'm going to talk about making progress today.

A couple of days ago I saw this quote passing by on Facebook. First of all I love the Greek mythologie and also the Greek philosophers. So this quote immediately appealed to me. 

As you can see there is also a turtle underneath the quote. The turtle represents what the quote is saying. You never need to let other people decide if you"re going to slow or to fast when you're making progress. Everyone is making progress at his own speed. 

I think a lot of people know the story of the turtle and the rabbit. They want to do a race. The rabbit thinks the whole time he doesn't need to do his best because the turtle is very slow and can't win the game. So the rabbit takes a lot of breaks and do a lot more. Then he falls asleep. When he woke up and run as fast as he could the turle was already waiting for him at the finishline. The moral of the story is that you don't need to underestimate the weakest. 

As you can see even if you're making slow progress you still making progress. Also if other's say that you can go much faster you don't need to do that. It's your choice how fast you're making progress. Even if you take 10 years to make progress little by little you're still making progress. You need to feel how fast you can go. And if you see that other's go faster then you let them be. It's their choice not yours. 

I'm saying this all but inside I'm thinking that I also have a lot of work to do. I'm also comparing myself to others. I know it's not good. I need to fix on myself and my life. They aren't living mine. And I'm also not living theirs. When I have these feelings exactly is completely different each time. Most of the time I think a lot about my work. In Belgium we have a difficult system when you're a teacher. So it could take years to become a tenured and if you're lucky and can also be just a few years. I see friends of mine becoming a tenured and I'm still building my hours and days to become it. It will take time but for me this is going to slow. You can say: take another job but no it's something I like to do. Teaching kids and learning them valuable things about life. Also hearing their stories is making me happy. 

So you see. Taking time and going at your own speed is the best thing you can do. Things can also change without knowing it. It can also be that you go sometimes fast and sometimes a bit slower. It's how you're feeling about the changes and the progress. 


© 2021 Toinon's life and mind
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