Don't always believe what others say
Did someone told you already a story that you believed? A story that maybe wasn't true at all or maybe there were more people involved in the situation? Well, then you believed what others said to you.
Most of the people listen to the stories of others. Maybe this are things that happened in their life or things they saw. Are these things the truth? For me there are always two sides at a story. Person A can tell that he or she didn't do anything wrong and that person B hit him or her. But when you listen to person B then it was person A who started. So what is now the truth?
It's the same when you work with children. Sometimes children have a conflict with each other. At the end when I talk to the children I listen to both stories. When I did that I compare both stories with each other. The things that are the same are the truth but then there are other parts. I asked the children if this really happened. Sometimes you see when they are lying. Some children begin to laugh or their impression changed.
So when you hear a story that someone else tells to you try to think by yourself if it really could have happened. Don't say something to someone else because, like the quote says, when you believe what others say and you tell the things to other people maybe you're telling lies. To not believing a lie anymore is hard. If you think by yourself if it's a lie or not or maybe asking some people who were involved the situation of lying can be avoided.
Think by yourself would you like it when someone is lying about you? I think nobody likes it. Things that aren't true aren't supposed to tell to others.
Also when you're telling lies to others and after a while you tell them it's not true will they still believe you next time when you're telling the truth? Maybe the next time they will believe you. But if you keep on lying they will not believe you.
When we talk about the news what will people react to or what will people remember. The juicy things. The things that contain a lot of untrue things. In the news they make a lot of stories juicier. These things will people tell to each other because it are the special things and it can be a lie or maybe an extra thing that didn't happen but they really want to tell. Why? Because they now the people will listen to it or buy the newspaper to know more. And this will happen more and more when people tell about it to each other. Other people want to know more about it so they listen to the news or buy a newspaper. So money money money for the people of the news. Okay, I'm not saying that they can't earn money. But saying the truth and don't put some extra things will be nice.
Nowadays with the internet and social media false stories are spreading faster then true ones. I think it's because we know it's false and we want to show the others that it's false. If it's true what's the juicy part about that? It's also a part of being human. We like more the fake stories then the once that are true. But think by yourself. Is it good to think like this? Do others also need to hear what's good and not only the fake or false stories?
Also when you say something that's not true to others what will others do with it? Exactually! They will make it juicier and they will tell the things with more details or they put some extra parts to the story. The next person will do the same and in the end the story (what wasn't true at all) will changed completly. Some people did an expirement about this kind of storytelling. There was a line of people. The first person got a sentence. This person needed to say the sentence to the next person. And so on and so on. In the end the sentence would be completly different. So you see during the telling there can have changed a lot and a lot of things can't be true anymore. Even if it was true in the beginning. We like to make stories bigger and better and much jucier.
Hopefully you will think twice next time you hear something from someone else. And I hope you will never tell it to others immediatly.