Going offline


Did you know that today is National Unplugging Day? I didn't until I saw it online. But what is National Unplugging Day now? 

Well it means that you don't look at your phone, laptop, computer, etc. for a whole day. You’re going offline. Let the people wait and take time for yourself.

I find that people nowadays don't take enough time for themselves. They look at their phone every day for hours and hours.

When someone sends you a message you immediately look at it and you react. People expect to get an answer immediately. But is this realistic? No! You also need to work, do things at home, taking care of yourself, etc. So when you constantly need to check your phone or other social devices you can't have time for other things.

I know I'm also guilty. Most of the time I want an answer as fast as it can be. I don't have it with all the people I send but with some.

Also with the pandemic everything is nowadays online. Seeing friends, classes, work and much more. So once in a while it's nice not looking at a screen and forget about the world. Just looking at yourself and doing things you like to do that day. It will reduce the stress and it will also helps you with sleeping better and thinking better.

Sometimes you need to let the world wait. When you're not answering today you will tomorrow. There are 365 days in a year (sometimes 366) and the moments you're not watching a screen is limited. So enjoy every second of the day and when you have some free-time do the things you always wanted to do. The people will wait and if they need you asap they need to wait.

Maybe going offline for a day isn't that bad at all. You can spend time with family and friends when you again can or some me-time. So you don't need to focus all the time on your social devices. You also don't have to be ashamed because you didn't answer someones text today. Do it whenever you feel you can or when you think it's the right time.

Have a wonderful offline day!


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