Have you ever struggled with your feelings?


Have you sometimes the feeling that you don't know exactly how you feel? Or maybe you have a lot of feelings at the same time? Are you feeling sad, angry, happy, anxious, etc. at the same time sometimes? Today I'm going to tell more about this struggle. 

Sometimes I don't know how I'm feeling exactly. I have a lot of emotions at the same time. So if someone is asking me how I'm feeling at that moment it's hard to say. Most of the time I'm saying I'm fine and good. But on the inside I'm feeling a lot of things. 

When I'm having struggles with my feelings I'm having a lot on my mind. So I don't have it all the time. It's sometimes and I never know when I'm going to struggle with my feelings. I think my hormones are also playing a big part at how I feel.

What I also have is that I can be happy one moment and a few seconds later I'm feeling completely different. This irritates me about myself. I don't want this. I always think when I have these kind of feelings how I can handle this. How can I solve this? How can I handle my feelings that I don't switch sometimes so immediatly? 

So I was thinking how I can handle my emotions. The first thing that came in my mind was that I need to worry less about things. I don't need to let the things stay in my mind. Certainly when it are bad things or things that I don't like. 

I'm also struggling with my feelings when I'm stressed. At that moment I don't know what to do with my stress and my emotions are so different and changing a lot. Someone else told me that I need to write down the things that I come up with. So that I take an advantage of my stress. Turning something 'negative' into something positive. I didn't tried it yet but going to try. 

Another thing that I'm thinking about is relax from time to time. Try not to think about all the things that need to be done or things that still need to come. Otherwise I will getting stressed. 

For me it's really that I overthink a lot and the stress that plays a big part how I feel. If my mind isn't okay then my emotions aren't also. And I'm also someone who getting stress sometimes without a reason or I don't know the reason. Then I can feel bad and I can also cry. Why I have it like this? I don't know. I have it almost my whole life already. I'm also searching for a long time what I can do about it. I think the tips above will help me but not enough. So I'm going to search some more. 

If you have any tips or tricks let it know down below. 


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