Introduction time
Hello everyone!
This is the first time for me I'm going to write a blog like this. I already have written a blog about my adventures three years ago in The Gambia. This blog I wrote in Dutch. Now I'm going to write everything in English.

My name is Toinon. It's a French name. So you say it like the word 'toi' (you) and 'non' (no). You can also understand that I need to repeat my name a lot. I'm already used to that so I don't mind anymore.
I told you already I wrote my previous blog in Dutch now you're wondering why? Well, I'm living in Belgium at the coast. I'm living here almost all my life. The first 4 years of my life I lived in Bruges, Venice of the North. Now I'm still living at the coast but not at my parents house anymore. I moved out the house 2 years ago. Now I'm living at an appartement with my 9 pets. Yes, 9!
I didn't told you yet how old I am. I'm at this moment 25 years old. My birthday is on the 18th of June. So within almost 6 months it's my birthday again and I'm getting 26 years old.
During the day I'm going to work. Not every day. On Saturday and Sunday I can celebrate the weekend. The rest of the week you can find me teaching primary school children. This year it's my thirth year working and I already have been working on three different schools. But the school where I'm now teaching is something special. In my class there are children from the age of 9 until the age of 12. So they also get different excercises. But I love it! That's the most important thing. If you don't love your job why are you still working there? Is it because of the money or because you're scared to tell your boss to quiet? When I was little I really wanted to become a teacher. And now I am. It's so unreal. But I love it!
Why I started this blog? My mind never sleeps. And everyday there is happening something. Sometimes it's hard for me to let go. Okay, most of the time. So I made this blog to get my mind clear. Also I want to help others and giving advice. But if you can help me then your advice is more then welcome.
I'm going to write about the things that happen in my life, things I see on the street, in the news. I also love quotes. They mean a lot to me. My favorite quote is: Carpe diem! You take every day like it comes. You can make plans but your plans can also change. So don't fix on them. But make your life like you want. Be happy what you have, even if it's not that much. Every little thing in your life is important.
I hope I can inspire you with my blog. I don't know yet when I'm going to post something on my blog. But checking it out every day isn't that hard.
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I write to you soon!