Is time really going fast?


Do you also have the feeling that time goes sometimes fast and sometimes it's like the clock isn't ticking? I have that feeling a lot. But why do you feel like that? Did you ever take a minute and thought about this question? 

Everyone has a different perspective on time. For one person one minute can last like one hour. But for someone else it can last like one second. I can give you an example. When it's playtime outside for the kids at my school they have a different reaction when it's cold outside and when it's warm. When it's warm they want to keep playing and time is going so fast for them. But when it's cold outside and raining they want to go as fast as possible back inside. Then they find the playtime to long. In reality the playtime always last 15 minutes. 

You can think to yourself what is different in this situation I just told you. Well, when it's warm outside it's nice to be outside. You like the sun shining on you, you like the beautiful weather, etc. Then you're happy and you're making the best of these 15 minutes. When it's cold outside and raining you feel a bit sad and unhappy. At this moment you don't want to be outside. Your body is also shaking because it's cold and you don't want to do nice things. So time is going slower for you because you're not doing something nice or something you like. In reality time is going as fast as always.

Another example that I have experienced is when I'm with someone special and we are laughing, making fun, etc. Time at his place is always going so fast. It's like every minute is one second. But when I’m at my place alone and working time is going so slow. Sometimes I see every minute going by. 

Is this all in my head? Time is time but is it really going fast and slow or is this just all in my head? I think the biggest thing that I can make out of this is that when you're having fun and are busy with things you really like or with the people you care about one minute is like one second. Because you enjoy it. When you're doing something you really don't like or when you're bored then time is going slow. You don't enjoy this moment. At this moment you want that time is going faster.

Also when you look a lot at the clock time isn't going fast. If you look every minute on it then you certainly think time is going slow. But when you don't look a lot at it then you don't see every second or every minute pass by. Like me, you can be surprised that it's already a certain time. 

How fast or slow time is going, is up to you. You make your life and the fun parts. I know life isn't always fun and you also need to do the things you don't like. But afterwards you can say you did both and your day is filled with fast and slow moments. 


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