Living in the past


Another day another quote. Did you already thought about your past and what happened there? Did this stop you from living now? Today I'm going to talk about living in the past. 

Recently I saw this quote. When you only see your past and don't look what's happening now you never can go forward and further in life.

I already said this a lot but it's easier to say then to do. I had it too. A couple of years ago and even one year ago I was stuck in the past. Just a few months ago I realised that this isn't the right mindset. So I try to live now day by day. But sometimes I'm looking at the past to see how much I've changed within a couple of months. Living day by day isn't easy and I'm also still struggling with it. It's not easy and certainly not with a job where you need to look forward. 

When we look at the people who are looking at their past I think a lot of people can't let go from the past because it's a safe place. It's something you're familiar with. If it's something good you want to stay there. But is it good to live in the past? For some yes but for others not. You need to look for yourself if living in the past is good for you or if it's getting you so upset each time you really need to let go.

Like I said I lived in the past for a long time because I didn't know better. It was for me a safe place. For me this was a disaster. I cried a lot and didn't felt like I was myself. I couldn't bloom. I was stuck in the past. How I've changed? Well, I needed help and got this. Seeing that living in my past wasn't good and that I needed to grow in a lot of things helped me. Doing little tasks, things I've never done before and were I was afraid of to do, set me free. Now I'm stronger then begore but I'm still not there yet. Growing and blooming takes time. I can't say how long it will take for you. 

I can tell you I've changed a lot by not looking at the past anymore and doing what I really wanted to do for a long time. Most of my friends know me as a shy, blond girl with nice clothes and also wearing every day something else. Well, I can say that this is the past me. Now if you see me I'm not blond anymore. I'm a redhead and I love it. I never want to go back to blond for now. And I'm also a girl with at this moment one piercing. Something I would never done a couple of years ago. And next month I hopefully getting two more piercings and maybe a tattoo. I've changed a lot you can say. But it's because I let go of my past. Little by little because it's still a part of me. Nowadays I don't mind wearing my clothes for a couple of days. And my clothing style also changed. From chique to rockabilly.

How do you know if you're living in the past? Well, do you think a lot about what happened when you were younger? Aren't you feeling happiness or are you sad? Are you frustrated with where you are nowadays in life? Are you scared of your future? If you could answer 'yes' on these questions you're living in the past.

Like I already said. To set you free from the past you need to do things you've never done before. Maybe making a to do-list or a bucket list will help you. And hopefully one day you will not live in the past anymore. But time is something really important!

So you see letting go of your past and living in the moment can be lifechanging. But you need to look for yourself if it's worth it or not.


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