Monday blues


Today is Monday. The start of a new week. Do you know the feeling that you don't want to get up after an amazing weekend? Or that you're really slow on Monday? Maybe you have the Monday blues. 

I think a lot of people feel like this when it's Monday: your alarm goes off and you really want that the weekend lasted longer. You don't want to get up and everything goes very slow in the morning. But eventually the day starts and you go to work, school or do the things you need to do. We call this the Monday blues.

After a week of hard work and doing things it's finally weekend. When it's weekend you probably sleep much longer then during the rest of the week. Everything is also going a bit slower. And maybe your taking some time for yourself. 

And then there's Monday. You need to go back to work or school. You need to get up early and doing things for you job or school. During the weekend you messed up your rhytm. You maybe go to bed late and wake up late in the morning during the weekend. So when you go to sleep late on a Sunday and you need to wake up early on Monday you're prabably still sleepy. 

Some people say that they only have the Monday blues because they don't like their job. I have the Monday blues a lot but I love my job. I know that I mess up everything in the weekend. I'm always saying that I'm going early to bed also in the weekend. It never works. Only when I'm really tired or have a headache I'm going to bed early.

The big question know is: how do you cure the Monday blues? Well, there aren't a lot of things that you can do about it. I think the most important thing to cure the Monday blues is getting up. It's also the first thing you need to do when your alarm goes off. Do the things you also do in the weekend but a bit faster or set your alarm a bit earlier. 

The first thing I do every morning, also in the weekend, is sending a text to someone special for me. After that I'm getting out of bed and making myself ready. Then I'm giving my pets their breakfast. When they are eating I'm also eating my breakfast. Seeing my pets happy when I'm giving them food and also seeing my rabbit coming to me to say goodmorning brings a smile on my face. In the weekend it's sometimes in another order. First I'm giving my pets their breakfast, then mine and then making myself ready. 

I also think it's good to feel yourself every day. Also on a Monday. Monday isn't a special day. Or is it? For me it's just Monday. It's like every other day of the week. I know that we need to have days of the week but we don't need to see them like seperate days. We need to see them as one long day. And during this long day we take naps. 

Have a nice Monday and a nice week!


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