What is love?


Tomorrow it's Valentine's Day. Some people celebrate this and some people don't. I'm not going to tell you more about Valentine's Day today. I think a lot of people know what this day is special for. What I'm going to do today is going to delve deeper into what love actually is.

I think a lot of people never asked themself: What is love? Well, today maybe you're going to ask yourself this question.

When I thought about Valentine"s Day a couple of days ago I was wondering what love exactly is. Everyone has a different view on what love is. For some people it's only loving someone but for others it means something much more. 

For me love is helping someone you like. You can help each other in achieving your dream(s). Sharing your life with each other is another thing about love that's important for me. Constantly being together can be to much. So giving each other some space, me-time and time for yourself is also good.If you are 24/7 with each other sometimes it can be to much. 

The love you have for each other can still be there but it can also fade away. That's my next point. Love can be something for life but it can also be something for a short time. It depends how much you carry the other person in your heart. I hope your love never fade away and I hope it will always be there. 

Beside these things love is also for me trusting each other and being loyal. Being happy and finding joy in another person can also be a part of what love is. For me happiness is important when I'm talking about love. When you can't be happy is there still love.

Another thing is also that you can love yourself. Not the extreme part but just love the way you are, like Rihanna once sang. If you can't love yourself why can someone else love you? Like I said already happiness is something that's important when talking about love. Also being happy with yourself is a part of love. 

Loving someone can not only be with someone you have a relationship with. You can also love your pets or even loving your kid if you have one. It's the feeling you have in your heart that's important. 

Love takes also time. It's not always from one day to another. It grows when you get to know each other. Missing each other can also be a part of love. You can miss your pet or a special person and you can't imagine a life without them. You don't need to be with each other all the time. Talking through phone or chat can also be a part of being with each other. Telling everything to the person you love is very important. Even your darkest secrets. 

For me love isn't about the kissing, holding hand, the dates and the sex. It's much more. It's about being with someone who makes you happy in a way that no one else can. It's about being with someone who accepts you and your weirdness. It's about bein yourself around them and they can be authentic around you. Maybe you have another view on what love is. So let me know down below what love means for you.


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